Monday, February 15, 2021

Today's post is brought to you by the letter "S"

 Hi All!

This post is for Rich who has been texting me for a couple of weeks asking for an update. So here it is!

The first "S" topic is Solar, as in the passive solar water heater we constructed and installed with the help of our friend Grady. The idea is to have the sun heat a tank full of water that will then supply the electric water heater in our house. We often laugh when we hear or read about "hot water heaters". If it is hot water, why do you need to heat it? But now it seems we may actually have one. The bad news is since we installed the solar water heater, the sun hasn't shined so we haven't been able to see how much difference it makes.

We used the skid steer to lift the almost completed water heater on to the roof

In place and ready to go

The valves that allow us to bypass either of the two heaters if need be, like today

The other "S" topic is today's snow. The forecast for last night was for seven inches of the white stuff. I'd say they got it about right.

On the way back from watering the chickens and turkeys. Duncan is wondering why we've stopped.

Normally when it snows I feel like I need to hurry up and get some pictures before it melts. We're not supposed to be above freezing until Saturday so I have plenty of time.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for the next installment of "S is for Solar". Take care.
