Wednesday, December 18, 2019

House Progress

Hi All!
The last several posts were about our vacation but that doesn't mean that's all we've been doing. We volunteered at the Formula 1 race in Austin again, we've harvested the last crops of the year out of our garden and we've been working on what we afffectionately call "the crack house" that is on our property in order to get it in shape to be rented.

And of course we've been working on our house. The master bathroom is just about complete now and we have finished the floor in the kitchen. Below are some pictures to catch you up.

Susan holding the 6.5 pound sweet potato from our garden
Subfloor down and the reclaimed wood starting to be put in place

All the wood is down

The kitchen floor is finished!
Grady turned a cabinet we bought into a vanity and made
the frame for the mirror. Bathroom done! Except for some baseboards.

That's all for now.
Take care.