Friday, February 26, 2016

Good day for fishing

This was the second Mahi Mahi of the day. The first was only about 8 pounds.We had to drag this guy for 30 minutes or so before I made any progress getting him to the boat. The first time he got within 30 feet or so, he took off and stripped back off all the line I had reeled in. 

I'm not sure who was more tired.

You really don't want this or almost any fish flopping around your boat. The trick to killing them quickly is to have a spray bottle with cheap liquor in it. A few sprays to their gills and they're done.

Hard to tell how big he is here unless you've been in the cockpit of GMV. But my foot gives a bit of an indication.

Here we go. Our digital scale wouldn't work but I'm guessing 35 to 40 pounds. One fillet was more than a 2 gallon sized zip lock bag could handle.

Emerald Bay, Staniel Cay, Pipe Cay, Oven Rock and Musha Cay - Pictures

The so called "ugly beach" by the marina at Emerald Bay. Named by Sharon on Z-Raye. She was kidding. But it may not be as beautiful as the beach at Sandals.

See how the dark clouds are just over my half of the picture.

A turtle snacking on the growth on the boat next to us in the marina at Emerald Bay.
Anchored off Staniel Cay Yacht Club. Good night Soli

Nurse sharks that swim around at Staniel Cay Yacht Club. This is at sunset but one of the motor yachts had underwater lights. Cindy, you'll have to show Bryan.

Morning, noon and night they are all around.

Good Morning Vietnam at sunset.

We have had some beautiful sunsets.

Anchor light - on

Kent and Heather from Miss Adventure on Kent's birthday. Not 50 candles, too much of a fire hazard.

I don't know how long this boat is, maybe 75 or 80 feet. She is gorgeous. Black hull and black sails. We saw her several times over the last week or so. Her name is Tenacious.
Stan led those that didn't want to sweat through the trails they made on Pipe Cay. Laura led those that wanted a more vigorous walk.

When you cut the trails you can name the beaches. This is California Beach. So named because it's on the west side of Pipe Cay.

New York Beach. Because it's on the East side of the island.
The cave by Oven Rock. It was pretty dark in there so not a great picture.

Stalagmite or Stalactite?

Continuing our hike after visiting the cave. Sometimes you think you might be on the moon.

The power of all that water is amazing.
Sunset from Musha Cay. Unfortunately I didn't get any other pictures, none of Musha Cay that is for rent for $38K a day. I guess we'll just have to go back!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

There and Back

Hi all,
It has been a while since I've been able to post because once we left Emerald Bay the wi-fi wasn't as good. But now we're back and it's time to catch everyone up on what we've been doing the last ten days.

Kent, on Miss Adventure, had his 50th birthday on Thursday the 18th and we were invited to join him for the celebration, so we left Emerald Bay on Tuesday to go back to Staniel Cay. We got there on Wednesday and Andrew and Sharon on Z-Raye came back from Warderick Wells on Thursday so the six of us had a great time Thursday evening celebrating Kent's birthday. Everyone's face still hurt the next morning from all the laughing.

Friday we snorkeled just off a rock to the south of Thunderball Grotto (where they filmed the movie). It was really nice.

Saturday Miss Adventure, Z-Raye, Pura Vida and Good Morning Vietnam moved north to Pipe Cay to have a pot luck on the beach. There were other boats there and it ended up being quite a shindig. Sanity, whom we'd met in Spanish Wells, and Laura D whom we'd met earlier at Pipe Cay were also there.

Sunday we took a long hike around Pipe Cay with all the revelers from the night before. Laura and Stan from Laura D have been making and maintaining trails all over the island so they were our guides. Sunday afternoon we said good bye to Miss Adventure. We and Z-Raye picked up our anchors and headed back south. We went back to Oven Rock on Great Guana Cay to explore a cave we'd read about. It was late afternoon before we anchored so we left exploring until the next day.

Monday we went ashore and searched and hunted and finally found the correct trail and eventually the cave. Man, was that cool! It goes back about 80 or 90 feet and has both stalagmites and stalactites. Not to mention a few bats. At the back it continues down under water. Some have dived it but not us.

After our cave exploring and lunch Andrew and Sharon went out with us on Good Morning Vietnam so Andrew could give us some sailing lessons. Seems kind of late in our adventure to be taking lessons, doesn't it? We are always up for some instruction on how to get the most out of the boat. Andrew is a good teacher and we learned a lot. We also did several man-over-board drills. It had been years since I had done one so it was a good thing to practice.

Tuesday we moved down to Musha Cay. This is an interesting and beautiful place. The island is owned by David Copperfield. There are several houses, cabins, pavilions and such on the island. We were anchored not far off the beach. As the island is "private", we were not allowed to go ashore. But you can rent the entire island for a holiday. You have to take it all, not just parts of it. It comes with two hobie cats, three seadoos and I don't know what else. And it only costs $38K a day but will accommodate 25.

Wednesday morning we raised anchors again, went through Cave Cay Cut and motored south. The wind was pretty much on our nose but the real reason we motored was because we wanted to fish. For four or five hours we trolled and hoped to get another Mahi Mahi. No such luck. As we turned to come into Emerald Bay, Z-Raye continued south to Georgetown. We plan on being here until Saturday when we'll move down to Georgetown after taking advantage of free showers, laundry and wifi.

When we've been here at Emerald Bay we rented a car for a day and drove to Georgetown to provision. I'm glad I rented cars in the UK the last couple of times I was there. The experience of driving on the left side of the road comes in handy here.

I'll post some pictures later after we make our run to the grocery store.

That's it for now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Marina at Emerald Bay

Hi All,
Z-Raye made the trip with us from Little Farmer's Cay to Emerald Bay on Saturday.We upped anchor at 6AM to get here before all the slips were gone due to this being a great place to hide from west wind. There were at least 8 boats right behind us the entire trip so though we were making great time under sail.  We turned the motor as well on to give us a little more push. We probably averaged 7.5 kts and at least once I saw our speed over ground go just north of  9 kts. Even the catamaran behind us couldn't catch us!

The Marina at Emerald Bay is a Sandals property but Sandals isn't really all that interested in owning a marina. It was part of the deal when they bought the rest of the resort. Slips are reasonable, water is only $.43 a gallon, laundry machines are free, and there are free showers. What's not to like?

We traveled 1985 miles (how I wish I could say 2,000) to be right across the pier from Ted and Claire on Another Life, just like we were in Kemah. This morning they pulled out and headed on down to Georgetown but not before we were able to catch up and have a sundowner a couple nights back.

We have great wifi here and there is more potentially nasty weather coming so we decided to stay put. We may have to stay here a week longer to get through the weather but we'd rather be here where we won't be stuck on the boat for days at a time if we have high winds or rain.

That's all for now.
Take care.

First Friday in February Farmer's Festival

Otherwise known as the 5F's. It is held on Little Farmer's Cay on the first friday of February, of course.
Farmer's Cay All Age School
Susan listening to JR the wood carver tell us about his life and family.

The 5F Regatta

I have no idea what was said just before this picture was taken.

Sharon, Drew (Z-Raye) and Brian
No, I am not a two fisted drinker. I'm holding Susan's while she takes the picture,

The girl at the bar is who told us the rum punch was good. She was right!

Brian competing in the Frisbee Toss. Great form but I didn't win.

We decided to move the dinghies closer to the festivities before it got dark. Missed one detail. Drew didn't have the key to their dinghy. We towed him for a little bit until he had a McGyver moment and was able to get it started.

Thunderball Groto

We met back up with Z-Raye at Big Major Cay and then snorkeled Thunderball Groto with them. This is where some scenes from James Bond's Thunderball was filmed. You can snorkel into the cave at low tide. At other times you would have to dive down and swim underwater to get into the cave.

The fish were trying to eat the peas and carrots through the ziploc bag.

Drew (Z-Raye) feeding the fish.

Sgt Major
Can you see the turtle? He looks small in this picture but he was about 12" wide.
The turtle swimming away.
Looking out the hole in the ceiling of the cave. I hear James Bond shot down a helicopter through that hole.

From underwater, the sunlight coming through the ceiling of the cave.
Brain Coral

Underwater exit from cave.

Going back out the entrance to the cave.

Pipe Cay

At the suggestion of Kent and Heather on Miss Adventure we joined them at Pipe Cay. Could be some of the prettiest water we've seen, unbelievably clear.

View from where we anchored.

A sandbar just 100 feet from us
Trying to show the color of the water

A storm off in the distance

Miss Adventure and a gorgeous sunset

Exuma Land and Sea Park

The Land and Sea Park is THE destination in the Exumas.
The beach from Good Morning Vietnam

Miss Adventure

Good Morning Vietnam and Miss Adventure from the beach.

Curly Tail that came to check us out while we had a picnic lunch on the beach Actually there were several and no problem until one ran up my leg.

Good Morning Vietnam and Miss Adventure in the South Mooring Field.
The Causeway Path to Boo Boo Hill. This bridge is named "Sunshine Causeway". It is almost identical to the Sunshine Skyway in St Petersburg, Florida.

Wading along the Causeway Path. Kent (Miss Adventure) is in the lead followed by Susan, next is Heather (Miss Adventure) and then David (Cookie). I stayed back to get a picture when someone went swimming, but no such luck. Barbara (Cookie) hung back with me to get a video when someone got wet but it didn't happen.
Boo Boo Beach

View from Boo Boo Beach

View from Boo Boo Beach

View from Boo Boo Beach
View from Boo Boo Hill

View from Boo Boo Hill

View from Boo Boo Hill

View of North Mooring Field from Boo Boo Hill
Western shore of Warderick Wells.