Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Green Acres is the place to be...

Hi all,
Once again I've neglected my posting duties. We are making progress but not quite as fast as when we had someone here helping us. It's not just the help but the longer hours we work when someone is here.

As far as work on the house goes, we've been working on floors and our shower. Wood flooring from the building in Arp is now down in our bedroom. Besides a step closer to being able to move back into the master bedroom, it has opened up a bit of space in the living room. We've also  got the flagstone down on the floor in our bathroom. There is plenty more to do there but it's a start. The tile in the shower is also up.

The wood flooring is down in the bedroom

The tile is up on the walls in the shower and the
flagstone part of the floor is in place

Besides working on the house we have finished up our hen house for the impending arrival of chickens. We plan to buy four adults this coming weekend and then raise some more from chicks. Anyone need some fresh eggs?

News to me: Chickens eat not only grain / seeds and bugs but also grass

We will move the chicken coop every few days, along with a fence to keep the varmints out,
so they can have fresh grass

We made the chicken coop pretty much out of left over this and that.
It isn't pretty but it will be getting a coat of paint.
That's it for now. Once we have some chickens running around I'll post some pictures.

Take care.