Saturday, July 25, 2020

Update on the Birds and the Bees

Hi All,
The attempt to split our two bee colonies into four didn't go as planned. The jury is still out but I think we'll at least be able to keep two colonies and there is a chance we may have three. It will be another couple of weeks before we have a better idea. They are fascinating creatures.

Oh boy, how the turkeys have grown. They have denuded the ground in their "house" so we let them out for a while most days to get their fill of bugs. This year we have a bumper crop of grasshoppers and crickets so they can get their fill pretty quickly. Here's a video of us taking an evening stroll.

In other news, we contracted our neighbor's son to build some cabinets for us in the mud / utility room. They turned out great! And of course continuing with the rustic look.

Before: Looking this way

Before: Looking that way

After: Pantry and storage

After: More storage
One other development since we last talked, we've signed a contract to have a solar system installed. Our original plan was to install it ourselves. The more we looked at the roof, specifically the pitch of the roof, the more we thought we'd pay someone to install it. As it turned out we found a good deal and it isn't going to cost us much more than if we had installed the system ourselves. I won't go into all the specifics but if you're interested drop one of us an email or message and we can go into the details.

That's it for now. Hope everyone is well.


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