Hi All,
First post in a while. This one will be mostly about things other than the house. To start with we have ordered some grapevines we plan to plant this winter. Our California and French friends shouldn't get excited, in Texas about all you can grow are muscadine grapes which aren't all that good for wine.
Killing grass for where grape vines will go
Our other big project of late is the Turkey Taj Mahal. The story goes like this... We decided to put in a solar well pump so as not to use our crack house tenant's electricity to pump water for the garden, orchard, vineyard and poultry. Because of all the trees around the well house we decided to put the solar panels out in the middle of the pasture, basically next to where the vineyard is to be planted. We quickly decided it made more sense to build a building and put the panels on the roof, that way we got another building for storage. But wait! How about we use the new building to house the turkeys? So now we need a concrete floor. We called our concrete guys and got a bid on a 8' x 10' concrete slab. Texted them on Saturday, called me back on Sunday, came out Monday to look it over. Before Adan and Adan Jr got here on Monday we staked out where we wanted the building. Man, 8 x 10 sure is small. Let's make it a bit bigger, how about 10' x 12'? Well, now we've gone from mixing bags of cement to getting a cement truck and we're going to pay for a whole load whether we use it or not. Now we're up to 12' x 14'. We told them to hurry up and get it done before we made it any bigger. Two days later, it was done. The concrete part anyway.
Slab poured
Three walls up
Starting to look like a building
It's done! Including rainwater catchment to water the turkeys
Took an evening off with friends to see the world famous Kilgore College Rangerettes perform at halftime of a Kilgore High School football game. It was very impressive!
And then there were six
That's all for now!
Take care.